If you already have a User ID and password assigned by TAB Services, you can proceed to Account Search.
If you would like to request a User ID, please contact us at (918) 579-9263.
The technology utilized by TAB Services makes the process of searching for accounts simple and convenient. You can search for any of your accounts—open or closed—by entering a variety of search terms, such as name and account number.
The result of your search displays detailed information about the account, which provides you with an accurate, up-to-date summary of the account’s status. From the detailed account screen, you can enter direct payments for the account, edit account information, and send notes to TAB Services about the account.
If you already have a User ID and password assigned by TAB Services, you can proceed to Account Search.
If you already have a User ID and password assigned by TAB, you can proceed to Direct Payments.
If you would like to request a User ID, please contact us at (918) 579-9263.
By utilizing the Account Search feature, you can click the “Direct” button to enter payments you have received for accounts that have been turned over to TAB. This feature enables you to list those payments and update or delete them. During the day, the payments can be edited with an indication that they are keyed. Each night, the payments will be processed into our software.
This communication is from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
If you already have a User ID and password assigned by TAB, you can proceed to Account Entry.
If you would like to request a User ID, please contact us at (918) 579-9263.
You can create new accounts for collection, which will be processed overnight. You have the ability to edit or delete your entries. The following items can be entered for a new account:
This communication is from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.